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Q: Who saves the Skyland chief's wife after she falls in the hole?
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What happens to matter after it falls into a black hole?

It stays there. Actually, it just falls forever.

Why do black holes get more dangerous as more stuff falls into them?

Anything that falls into a black hole becomes part of that black hole's mass, which makes the gravity stronger and causes the event horizon to grow larger.

Could a black hole overflow?

No, it just keeps growing as more stuff falls in.

Does a black hole ever get full?

According to current theory, a black hole, if it exists, begins its life full,and nothing that falls into it ever leaves it.

Do black holes ever get full?

No. When more matter falls into a black hole, it only makes it bigger and gives it even stronger gravity.

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In the Earth on Turtle's Back who saves the Skyland Chief's wife after she falls in the hole?

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What will be happened with a smallest particle of your universe fall into black hole?

Anything that falls into a black hole will be destroyed. Also, anything that falls into a black hole will increase the black hole's mass.

Who falls down a rabbit hole and where does she end up?

Alice falls down a rabbit-hole and ends up in Wonderland.

What happens to matter after it falls into a black hole?

It stays there. Actually, it just falls forever.

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What formed the deep hole beneath the Horseshoe Falls?

An erosion

What falls in to a black hole?

Basically, anything that gets close enough.

What is the place called where Alice in Wonderland falls down the hole?


How many atoms are there in a black hole?

Basically none. No atom will survive the forces in a black hole. (However, all the mass that falls into the black hole will still be there.)

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Name the waterfalls found in Jamaica?

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Why do black holes get more dangerous as more stuff falls into them?

Anything that falls into a black hole becomes part of that black hole's mass, which makes the gravity stronger and causes the event horizon to grow larger.