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Q: Who saw a vampire?
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Why did Blade Save karen?

He saved her because when he saw her pain from a vampire bite,it remined him of his mother when she was bitten by a vampire,and when she was in pain

Did anybody see the vampire?

No, nobody saw the vanpire because they are not real.

Is Bella going to become a vampire?

YES. I saw new moon and it says that she is going to be a vampire and Edwards going to change her, and marry her

What did Bella see before nearly drowning?

she saw that vampire lady that was with the vampire that tried killing her in the first book swimming towards her in the water (i think the vampire chicks name is Victoria)

Is there any prof of a sparkly vampire?

actually no there is none, twilight is a HUGE fake LIE nothing in there is true how do i know cause i actually saw a vampire

Where can I get Raven Madison's choker from Vampire Kisses?

I saw one on eBay a few times.

When was the last time someone saw a vampire?

It is actually impossible to know the last time someone saw a vampire as many people may not choose to report them. Even then there may not be any official reports of vampire sightings as they are mythological creatures with very little to no evidence of their physical existence, and as such, authorities may not choose to officially file them.

Where does Claire Holt live?

Claire Holt plays in The Vampire Diaries now, I saw her on a show.

What is the deadliest bat in the world?

I'm not sure but I think it is a vampire bat.

Are Vampire bats real and what do they eat?

Touring amuseum in Washington D.C. I saw a display of a bat with teeth and I was curious about what it was. I looked at the front it said "the vampire bat". So yes vampire bats are real.

What happened to rebekah on The Vampire Diaries?

She is alive and well, we saw her the last episode of Season 3.