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Q: Who says this be careful to whom you tell your secrets because they can betray you?
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How do you write the word betray in a sentence?

"you just did", says the person before me. That was a QUESTION, not a SENTENCE. Betray means to be disloyal to someone, so you can say, they betrayed him, or he betrayed me.

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Portia has to be careful what she says in two parts of the play. First, when her suitors are put to the lottery, she is forbidden from giving them hints (although who is going to tell is not exactly clear). Secondly, when she is impersonating a lawyer at a trial, she has to be careful what she says because, well, she is a lawyer at a trial. They always have to be careful what they say.

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It means that you two will not be going on a date any time soon.

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hamlet says that he would never betray one of his friends.

Why did Judas leave the last supper early?

Jesus told the disciples that one of them will betray Him. Along with some others Judas says, "Is it I?" Jesus already knowing he had already agreed to betray Him, he says, "Yes it is you." Jesus told Judas to go and do what he has already agreed to do and Judas got up and left.

What does it mean when a your bf says i need to know you more?

It's good because he is both careful (taking things serious) & interested.

What do you say when someone says be careful?

That you'll be careful, and you're thankful they're there for you to tell you so

If you don't lust is watching perverse sexual videos still a sin?

Yes, the Bible says be careful with your eyes.

What does Harry Potter say to get into the Chamber of Secrets?

Basically he says "open" in parseltounge.

Who says a celebrity is as celebrity does from Harry Potter?

Proffessor Gilderoy Lockhart says this phrase to Harry in Chamber of secrets during a detention.

What does it mean if somebody says that your the one?

be careful because the person could be serious or might be wanting to go out with you then dump you and break your heart its happened to me before! :(