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Q: Who sealed up the knothole in the oak tree an why?
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What terrible thing to Jem and Scout discover in chapter 7 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem and Scout discover that Mr. Radley has cemented up the knothole in the oak tree where they had been finding all the treasures.

What does an oak tree do?

An oak tree stands up against gales until it is very old.

What ends the knothole game?

The knothole game ends when the knothole tree is destroyed by the authorities, and the children lose their secret meeting spot in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This signifies the loss of innocence and the end of childhood for Scout and Jem.

Will ivy kill a tree?

Will ivy growing up an oak tree eventually kill the tree?

Michael Craig martin an oak tree?

No he was a artist but he did paint a painting called oak tree, i think your getting mixed up between the two ;))

How many gallons of water a day do oak trees drink?

Oak Tree A mature oak tree can draw up to 50 or more gallons of water per day. ref:

What ends knothole gifts?

Mr. Radley filled the knothole up with cement.

Which oak is faster sawtooth oak or northern red oak?

Sawtooth oak and Northern red oak are both fast growing trees. Sawoak tree is native in Asian countries while Northern red oak tree is native in North America. Sawoak tree can grow up to 82-98 feet while Northern oak can grow up to 98-141 feet tall. Sawoak tree grows 13 to 24 inches per year while Northern oak ten year old tree can grow 16-20 feet tall. Basically grow almost at the same speed.

How thick is a oak tree's trunk?

The oak tree can get up to 100 feet wide. Its really amazing. I've heard that some oak trees have tunnels to go through them

What is the height and width of an apple tree?

the average height of an oak tree is 60ft the average height of an oak tree is 60ft

How many feet is an oak tree?

You mean trunk diameter: it could be up to 4 feet for white oak, 6ft red oak. You mean height: it could be up to 85 feet for white oak, 140 ft for red oak.

How big does an oak tree grow?

up to 80' wide by 80' high