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Q: Who served as an interpreter during Lewis and clark's famous expedition?
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Is sacajewea an adverb?

No, Sacajawea is not an adverb. Sacajawea was a Shoshone woman who played a key role in the Lewis and Clark expedition as an interpreter and guide.

What are Sacagawea's famous accomplishments?

She became invaluable as a guide for the Lewis and Clark expedition, especially in the region of her birth, near the Three Forks of the Missouri, and as a interpreter between the expedition and her tribe when the expedition reached that area. After she gave birth during the expedition to Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau on February 11, 1805, she also quieted the fears of other Native Americans, for no war party traveled with a woman and a small baby. She was able to translate when they met up with Shoshone-speaking Indians. She told them about some of the geography and any various animals and plants that she was familiar with.

What expedition of Henry Hudson's is more famous?

The most famous is probably his expedition of the Hudson River.

Why is Sakakawea famous?

Sakakawea was a Shoshone woman who accompanied the Lewis and Clark Expedition, acting as an interpreter and guide, in their exploration of the Western United States. She traveled thousands of miles from North Dakota to the pacific ocean between 1804 and 1806.

What is the famous explorer from Maine?

Robert Peary is a famous explorer from Maine. He claimed to have reached the North Pole during his expedition in the year 1909.

Who traveled and kept record with Lewis and clark?

The expedition was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, who were both captains in the U.S. Army. The Corps of Discovery, as their expedition team was known, included a diverse group of individuals such as soldiers, interpreters, and guides who traveled with them and helped document the journey. The most famous member of the expedition party was Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman who played a crucial role as an interpreter and guide.

Why is the Devils Tower famous?

Devils Tower is famous for its unique geological formation, rising dramatically from the surrounding landscape. It is considered sacred by several Native American tribes and is also well-known for being featured prominently in the popular film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

What is a famous expedition in New York?

The famous expedition in New York was lead by Henry Hudson and he discovered the Hudson river.

How did sacagaewa become so famous?

She became famous by helping the Lewis and clark expedition and by navigating the expedition. Also by picking her nose