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indentured servants

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Q: Who served as the labor forces for the Chesapeake colonies im most of the 1600s?
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What effect did imperial legislation in England of the late 1600s have on the chesapeake colonies?

Imperial legislation in England during the late 1600s, such as the Navigation Acts, had a significant impact on the Chesapeake colonies. These acts were designed to regulate trade and bolster England's mercantile system, leading to increased enforcement and restrictions on colonial trade. This ultimately limited the economic autonomy of the Chesapeake colonies and contributed to tensions between the colonists and the English crown.

1600s high sex ratio men to women Chesapeake meant?

some women married older

Which colonies had developed slave-based plantation economies by the late 1600s?

the southern colonies

How did Chesapeake Bay get its name?

Chesapeake Bay is a version of the Algonquian name Chesepiooc, rendered by the early settlers as Chesepiook and Chesapeack (1608) before the current variation was adopted in the mid-1600s.

What did British colonies do in the early 1600s?

will you help me crystal. Plymouth and massachusets

When were the middle colonies created?

Around the 1600s through the 1700s.

How were the north American colonies in the 1600s similar?

flood of immigrants.

Why did people in Europe decide to move to the british colonies during the 1600s and 1700s?

The people in Europe decided to move to the colonies during the 1600s and 1700s because they wanted religious freedom.

What type of government did the northern New England colonies have in the 1600s?


Tell me about hunting during the 1600s in the Middle Colonies?

Hunting during the 1600s in the middle colonies was necessary in order to get food and clothing. Food supplies were not readily available like today so it was a way of survival.

Most of England's 13 colonies were started during the?

17th century (1600s)

What are the colonies in New England in the 1600s?

Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut