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Q: Who set up a government in Rhode Island based on consent of the settlers?
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Where were the Rhode Island settlers from?

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What kind of government did the Rhode Island colony have?

Democrat Government, which had freedom of religion to fellow crackmonkey's such as George Washington.

What was the difference between the settlers of Pennsylvania and the settlers of Rhode Ilsand?

The settlers in pennsylvania had more rights of religious tolerance then the settlers in Rhode Island

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Roger Williams accomplishment was Roger Williams founded the settlements called providence and set up a government for the settlement based on the consent of its settlers.

Where did the settlers come from in Rh-ode Island S's?

where did the settlers come from in the 1700's rhode island

Who were the first settlers in Rhode Island and why?

Roger Williams

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Who were the settlers of Rhode Island?

william blackstoneroger williams

What was the government of the colony of Rhode Island?

I want to find this question too. Please help me>;(-Special:Contributions-------------------fail... I too want to find the answer for this question. lol.-jona8850

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