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Congress actually determines its own pay as laid out in the constitution. They get an automatic cost of living adjustment unless they vote to decline it so there is no need for them to vote to raise it very often.

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Q: Who sets the member of the congress' salary and why do they rarely raise it?
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Related questions

Can the president raise salary?

No. The president does not set anybody's salary. Congress does that.

Who decides how much the president gets paid?

Congress approves salary raises. The last raise was from $200,000 to $400,000 for Bill Clinton effective 2001. For additional information :

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Article II section 1 of the US Constitution forbids any changes in the President's salary during his term of office. Congress could raise the salary for the next presidential term.

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16.800 salary with a 5% raise? what was the salary for last years?

How much can languages raise a persons salary?

It can raise a paersons salary by over 8% - 20%

What program that increase salary by 2 per cent in C plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<limits.h> int main() { using std::cout; using std::fixed; using std::setw; using std::endl; double salary=12345.67; cout.precision(2); cout<<"Old salary:\t$"<<fixed<<setw(8)<<salary<<endl; // 2% 2.0) double raise=salary*2.0; // Round up or down as appropriate raise=(raise-floor(raise))>=0.5?ceil(raise):floor(raise); // Scale back by 100 raise/=100; cout<<"2% raise:\t$"<<fixed<<setw(8)<<raise<<endl; salary+=raise; cout<<"New salary:\t$"<<fixed<<setw(8)<<salary<<endl; }

Last years salary was 18000 if you receives a 900 raise for this year what percent of last years salary is her raise?

900/18000 = .05 --- thus her raise is 5%

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Curtis current annual salary is 17560 he will be receiving a 5 percent pay raise what will his new salary be?

Curtis current annual salary is17560 he will be receiving a 5 percent pay raise wht will his new salary be?

How much is a 3 percent raise if you make 12.95 a hour?

3% raise is the same as multiplying your previous salary by a factor of 1.03 ("1" for the original salary, and "0.03" for the 3% raise).

Which branch can declare war and raise a army?

The Congress can declare war and raise armies

What is the procedure by which Congress was to raise funds in the articles of confederation?

In the Articles of Confederation, the procedure by which Congress was to raise funds was by taxing the states.