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Arlie Wilson. He was a cook onboard a ship in dock at the time of the attack. He went on deck and operated one of the guns to become the first person to shoot down a Japanese plane at Pearl Harbor.

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Q: Who shot down the first plane in pearl harbor?
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Who was the Japanese navy commander of the attacking force on Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese commander and planner of the attack on Pearl Harbor was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. He remained as an American nemesis throughout most of the Pacific War. He was killed in 1943 when a plane he was in was shot down.

When did the tensiions finally die down in pearl harbor?

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What happened to Lt Welch and Lt Taylor after Pearl Harbor?

For their service George Welch and Kenneth Taylor earned the first Distinguished Service Stars in World War II.

What did Franklin Roosevelt say and do about pearl harbor?

A day that will go down n infamy

Was World War 2 fought in American soil?

Yes, and that was Pearl Harbor and the Japanese made an air raid attack with 300 planes only 29 were shot down one of the first was planes shot down was bye Dorie Miller the man in the picture he was the first African-American. Pearl Harbor is how the US joined WW2 and other American Territories. --------------- WWII happened throughout Europe. Pearl Harbor was just the act by the Japanese DURING the war that caused the US to join the fight.

Where there Japanese POWs from the Pearl Harbor attack?

No, those shot down died in the crash or didn't surrender This is not correct. There was one POW taken at Pearl Harbor: Kazuo Sakamaki, a midget submarine officer.

What did America use to attack Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor was part of America. It was the Japanese who actually attacked Pearl Harbor. What they did was they sent a large number of aircraft into the Harbor. The objective was to destroy as much of the U.S. Navy positioned there as possible. To do this, they did many things. They bombed the ships and shot them with the armaments on their planes. (What I mean is they bombed them and shot them with missiles and guns.) Also, they crashed into the ships. When a plane either ran out of ammo or was about to go down, the pilot would attempt to crash into a ship. Most of the planes had explosives in them that they did not use, so when they needed to do this they could add a bigger bang to the explosion.

How many Japanees died at pearl harbor?

approximately 13 in the 9 planes shot down

Pearl harbor-what were the tragedies?

The tragedy was an UNPREPARED US Fleet being attacked. If the US Forces had been READY & WAITING, Pearl Harbor would have gone down in history as a "Common Battle", instead of a "Tragedy."

What was Japanese goal to hit pearl harbor?

To catch them with their pants down while most were still in bed, all ships were still in harbor like sitting ducks.

Why is Pearl harbor so well known?

The reason why Pearl Harbor is so well know is that it is the location of the United States Naval Fleet that was bombed by the Japanese Imperial Navy on December 7, 1941. It was the cause of the US entering World War 2. At Pearl Harbor now there is a memorial of the USS Arizona and another ship. Many veteran naval men have had their remains put down in the water with the USS Arizona. There are many special events conducted at that National Park in Pearl Harbor yearly.