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The Antifederalists

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Q: Who should be credited for the federal bill of rights?
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Does the bill of rights give people the right not to pay taxes?

No. and you should read it- it is very short. The Bill of Rights lists things that the Federal government is forbidden to do.

What legislation protect rights?

It is called a Bill of Rights. There are many different examples, such as a states Bill of Rights or the federal Bill of Rights.

Why did many American want a Bill of Rights?

They believed that the constitution needed a Bill of Rights to restrain the federal government.

Why were the Bill of Rights passed?

the bill of rights was passed to prevent an all- powerful federal government.

What is the incorporation of the bill of rights?

the process of applying the Bill of Rights to state governments as well as the federal government

The Bill of Rights only applied to the government?


Is the state or federal Bill of Rights longer?


Why was the Bill of Rights started?

The Bill of Rights began as state constitutions that the federal government eventually merged into one.

Did anti federalist demand a Bill of Rights?

This is because the Bill of Rights limits the power of federal government in the U.S.

Why did Anti-Federalist demand a Bill of Rights?

This is because the Bill of Rights limits the power of federal government in the U.S.

What protects the rights of U.S. citizens from the federal government?

The Bill of Rights

The bill of rights only applied to the federal government true or false?

The Bill of Rights is not applied only to the federal government. The Bill of Rights is applied to all United States citizens and designed to express all freedoms the citizens rightfully possess.