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Q: Who should decide what weight is safe for you to lift as part of a safe system of work?
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I am 1.85 and i weight 70 kilogram what should i lift?

The amount that a healthy person can lift depends on their height and weight.

How many weight should you lift?

kids 10-12 should lift 8 or 9 pounds adults if you are strong you should lift 20-35 pounds.

How can you know how much your forklift can lift?

A rating plate will be on the forklift which should tell you the max lift weight, it will lift more but this is very dangerous

What is the significant benefit of a compound pulley system?

it is that a person does not ave to lift as much weight

What pulley system will lift the weight using the least amount of effort force?

balls. =))

How much should a 120 pound 20 year old lift?

There is no set amount that a person should be able to lift based on their body weight.

What gpm should be on a truck lift?

That depends on the weight rating of the lift, the measurements of the major areas of the hydraulic cylinders, how much pressure will be going through the system, etc. If you have a variable pressure relief valve in the system, it'll give you a bit of flexibility with how much flow you'll need to run through the system.

How much pound weight should a 13 year-old lift?

its depends on how much you weigh u should be able to do atleast 70 to 80 percent of your weight but sometimes after youv been liftin for a while u can do more like im 13 and i weigh 130 and i lift 155

How much weight should a 11 year old lift?

I can lift 45 to 55 pounds I work out a lot.I think a 11 year old boy should be able to lift 25 to about 30 or 35

Answers about forklift if the lift machine is on your left feels you should try to repair the chains or hydraulic system yourself true or false?

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How much weight can a mouse lift?

The weight that a mouse can lift will depend on its size. It is estimated that mice can lift things that twice their body weight.

How much weight should you lift if you are look for endurance?

70% of a 1 rep max