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It was the Grinch. Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

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Q: Who stole Christmas from the Whoville?
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Where did the Grinch steal Christmas?

The Grinch stole Christmas in Whoville.

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What is the name of the town in how the Grinch stole Christmas?


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The who song

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Is it Whoville or Who-ville?

It is typically written as Whoville, as seen in Dr. Seuss's book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!"

What town does how the Grinch stole Christmas take place?

"Whoville" is the fictional town where "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" takes place. It is home to the Whos, who are the main characters of the story.

What is the city where the Grinch stole Christmas?

The name of the town in the Santa Claus is Coming to Town movie is "Sombertown", so called because of the grim lives of its citizens under the rule of the tyrannical Burgomeister Meisterburger.

Who stole Christmas in the dr zeuss book?

In the Dr. Seuss book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," the Grinch steals Christmas from the Whos in Whoville because he dislikes the noise and commercialization of the holiday. He eventually has a change of heart and returns everything, learning the true meaning of Christmas.

Which Christmas book starts with the line 'the whos down in the Whoville liked Christmas a lot'?

The actual quote is "Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot".The quote comes from the book called 'How the Grinch stole Christmas' by Dr. Seuss.It has also been made into a popular film called "The Grinch", which stars Jim Carrey and is narrated by Anthony Hopkins.

Who stole Christmas from the Whos in Who-ville?

In The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, the Grinch attempts to steal Christmas. He went into the town on Christmas Eve and removed every bit of Christmas related stuff he could find. He was surprised that the Who's in Whoville celebrated with joy and singing, even without the material goods.