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Q: Who strengthened Russia but made life worse for the serfs in Austria?
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A complete revolution was needed to free the serfs of Russia. However, that freedom did not last long and ended up being worse for them.

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Both were bad, but his losses in Russia were terrible.

After serfs gained ther freedom what is true of their conditions?

After the serfs gained their freedom, they were able to move about, but they had lost the security of being serfs, who had rights to the land, and so were not really much better off than they had been in many cases. In fact, in some cases, they were considerably worse off.

How did absolutism in austria and prussia differ from that in France?

Absolutism in Austria and Prussia differed from that in France because in those countries, those at the bottom of society were much worse off than they were before.

Did catherine the great reform the law code?

Catherine the Great attempted many reforms in Russia. She was responsible for codifying Russian laws and placing certain restrictions on torture as a government policy. She also tried to reform the Russian form of serfdom. These efforts dissolved with the great peasant revolution of 1773. History records this as the Pugachev rebellion. This unfolded as conditions for peasants were rapidly growing worse. Owners of serfs were increasingly selling serfs and breaking them apart from their lands and families. Instead of using serfs for farming, the owners forced them to work in mines or manufacturing. Punishments were harsh and many peasants were sent to prison in Siberia.

Animal Farm skeptical people in Russia?

benjamin was the skepticals of russia as he did not believe the revolution would change any thing but infact make it worse as it did

What was russia like with stahlin in power?

It was brutal because Stalin didn't regard human life and treated his subjects worse than slaves.

What statements is true about the debt owed by the French government under Louis XVI in 1789?

The French debt was far worse than the debts of other European monarchs, as in England or Austria.

Why did JFK as for a huge increase in military spending?

He could see that Vietnam was getting worse and the Cold War with Russia was hotter. Not to mention the problems in Cuba with Russian involvement there.

What were the consequences of Louis XVI decision to flee?

It just made his situation worse. The French king as going to ask asylum of the old enemy, Austria, to escape the crimes he was accused of. That made the revolutionaries quite angry.

Did Russia improve after the revolution?

People in Russian and around the world have been trying to answer this question for over 90 years. You would have to read more than book to start forming an opinion on whether things got better or worse for Russia after the revolution. Almost no single aspect of the revolution can be painted simply as "black" or "white". Things may have improved for some and got worse for the others, and how many were worse or better off, and whether Russia would have been better or worse off without the revolution is impossible to guess. It is safe to say that in the immediate and mid-term aftermath things got worse in Russia. Russia ceded vast territories to Germany as part of the peace treaty (when Russia's allies appeared ot be on the brink of defeating Germany), a bloody Civil war broke out, there was famine, rule of terror by Lenin and, to an even greater degree, Stalin, multiple "purges" (executions and imprisonment) of both the Comunist party elite and the population as a whole, forced labor camps known as Gulag, complete dismantling of the agricultural base under guise of collectivization, and eventually Russian was dragged into World War II, to which it was utterly unprepared and was almost destroyed as a nation. The fact that Communism was roundly denounced in Russia in 1991, that the Soviet Union broke apart, and the economy has been gradually converting to some form of Capitalism, and the society - to a Democracy, can be seen as proof positive that Russia did not improve after the revolution, and that it took Russians 70 years to begin to undo the changes brought on by the revolution.