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Q: Who takes care of the baby harp seal?
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Related questions

How tall is a baby harp seal?

A baby harp seal is about 2-3 feet tall hopfully taller than you were

How harp seal have baby?


What do people call a baby harp seal?

a pup

How big can baby harp seal grow?


What is a young harp seal called?

A young Seal is referred as a "pup", and an adult male is a "Bull."

How tall is a baby seal?

A baby harp seal is about 2-3 feet tall hopfully taller than you were

Why do harp seals have a short parental care period?

The harp seal has a gestation period that lasts three months after which, the mother seal gives birth to one pup. The female is the sole provider for her baby and after four weeks, the pup is on its own. The mother leaves the baby to begin the mating process again.

What is the size that a harp seal can get?

Baby harp seal weighs 15 pounds and its size is 3 feet long. The adult weighs 375 pounds and it's 6 feet long.

What is a harp seal covered in?

A harp seal is covered in fur.

What do you need to make a harp seal?

A mommy harp seal and a daddy harp seal. Want details? Ask your parents.

How do they beat baby harp seals?

The way people beat baby harp seals is usually shoooting them or clubbing them over the head. And it is not just baby seals it is any seal of any kind. It is illegal.

What do humans hunt harp seal for?

they hunt the harp seal mainly for their fur