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Q: Who takes over if president cannot work?
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Who takes over if the president is absent?

The vice president becomes President if the President dies or is removed from office . There are also procedures by which the vice-president can temporarily assume the duties of president, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Can the President return to work after Vice President takes over?

Yes. According to the 25th amendment the president needs to only to notify congress that he is fit to return to duty, under any condition that the Vice-President takes over during that President's term.

What happens if the president can not work but doesn't know it?

Nancy Regan Steps in and takes over....

Who takes over for the president if he is unable to work?

THe vice-president can temporarity or permanently assume the powers of the President. The 25th amendment gives the process for transferring the power and restoring it when appropriate.

How does the 25th amendment work?

The 25th amendment to the Constitution refers to what happens if a President dies or resigns from office. It says that the Vice President takes over for the President if he is unable to do his duties.

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You cannot. You can clone over it, you can paint it out or composite a new layer over it but you cannot undress a person . It doesn't work like that

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Force is the ratio of the amount of work the machine can do over the amount of time it takes to do the work.

How do you get fit in one day?

You don't. It takes a lot of work over weeks or months.

If the president of the US cannot work that day who would take his place?

If he/she was temporarily ill, he/she would simply not work on that day. If the present were to be permanently ill to a state where they are unable to serve or if they were to die, the vice president would then step in.

If you were the president of America?

There would be a lot of over paid politicians looking for work ... tomorrow.

Who was the president that said the constitution work your long national nightmare is over?

Gerald Ford

Can a person be president and still work in private sector?

No, while an individual is president they cannot hold any other job or take in any other income. This is to ensure that the President is serving the people and not a special interest.