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In "The Giver," babies are assigned to families in the community immediately after birth. The baby is taken to its assigned family following the naming ceremony, where the family officially receives and cares for the new child.

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Q: Who takes the baby when its released in the giver?
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Who was the child Jonas saves in The Giver?

The child that Jonas saves in "The Giver" is Gabriel, a baby who is scheduled to be released because he is not developing according to the community's standards. Jonas takes Gabriel with him when he leaves the community in search of Elsewhere.

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The giver -What does jonas's dad say when a baby is released?

That they go elsewhere, he never mentions that the child gets murdered.

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Does Jonas in The Giver get released?

no he leaves but does not get released

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The little baby in "The Giver" is named Gabriel. He is the child that Jonas helps save by escaping from the community at the end of the book.

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In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the character who applied for release ten years before the story takes place was Rosemary, the previous Receiver of Memory who failed in her training and asked to be released.

What was the name of the baby that the father was so concerned about the giver?

The baby's name in "The Giver" is Gabriel. Jonas's father is concerned about Gabriel because he is not meeting the development milestones expected for his age.

Is there a movie for The Giver?

The Giver movie has not yet been made but have said that it will be released in 2013

Why does Jonas break a rule and take it to Apple home the giver?

Jonas breaks the rule and takes Gabriel to the home of the Giver because he believes that Gabriel is in danger of being released from the community due to his inability to sleep through the night. The Giver offers to take care of Gabriel and protect him from being released. Jonas's decision reflects his growing awareness of the flaws in the community and his desire to protect those he cares about.

Who takes care of baby foxes?

The female is the primary care giver but both parents share the responsibility as well as older siblings if present. If the female dies before the young are independent, the male takes over all responsibilities.

What happens in The Giver?

The boy gets the hots for some girl, sees her hair colour, becomes the next Giver, then runs off with a small baby. Jonas finds out he is the reciver and is trained for a year then he sees a release wihich is killing with poison, and he gets a baby named Gabriel and runs away because gabriel was going to be released