

Who taught jewish people?

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10y ago

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The Forefathers and Moses, the Prophets, the Sages, and the Rabbis throughout the generations.

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Q: Who taught jewish people?
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What are jewish people taught?

Ideally, they are taught the Torah, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), the Talmud, and other classical Jewish texts, all with their commentaries. Religious students are also taught reading, writing and related skills, plus some math and other subjects. See also:The classical texts of Judaism

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Jerusalem was the only place in the world that had a Jewish Temple at that time.

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no he didn't Yes, Hitler did listen to his people. They loved him because he listened to their ideas and if their ideas were not anti-Jewish he would kill them. He mesmerized them in the Hitler youth program to never question Him. They were taught anti-Jewish ideas early on.

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Yeshua was definitely Jewish and taught directly out of the Torah over a thousand years ago.?

He taught 'Love' not Fleshly Torah

Where is Judaism taught?

In Yeshivas (for men), in Jewish seminaries (for women), in Jewish day-schools, and in classes in synagogues and other venues.

Where do people get their belief?

1) From what we are taught. 2) From the evidence that is all around us:

What group taught salvation came through belief in Jesus and following the Law?

Some of the Jewish Christians taught this mix of beliefs. They are referred to as the 'Judaisers'.

Why was Jesus a Jew if he was teaching Christianity?

Jesus was born to a Jewish family .But he taught about God.

Why are Jewish people so racist?

The Jewish are not racist. Instead, other people are racist to Jews. For example, I am Jewish and I have many black friends. According to the Tora the Jewish people are held as a chosen race by their god. How God really feels about this remains to be seen. perception can only be true to the one whopercives such a thing and its only a lie if you belive it. yes, i think if you read the Tora and the Bible you will find much racim being taught as well as the teaching against it. very contradictary..

What did Moses tell the Israelites?

He revealed the Word of G-d to them. Taught them G-d's Torah which lays down the fundamental expectations and rituals that G-d has for the Jewish people and the world.