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At 16 years of age, Patrick was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland.

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St. Patrick was taken as a slave by Irish raiders when he was a teenager. He spent several years in captivity in Ireland before escaping and returning to his homeland.

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Who took St. Patrick to be a slave?

St. Patrick was taken as a slave by Irish raiders when he was a teenager. He was captured in Roman Britain and taken to Ireland, where he remained in captivity for six years before escaping and returning to his family.

What was St. Patrick's job as a slave?

St. Patrick's job as a slave in Ireland was to tend sheep. He spent six years in captivity before escaping and returning to his home in Britain.

What was St. Patrick sold as in Ireland?

St Patrick was sold as a slave into Ireland.

What was Saint Patrick's job while he was a slave?

Saint Patrick's job while he was a slave was to tend to sheep as a shepherd in Ireland.

What work did St. Patrick do in Ireland as a slave?

Patrick was a missionary and bishop.

Was St. Patrick ever a slave in his own time?

Patrick was a slave from age 16 until age 22.

When was St. Patrick a slave?

He was held as a slave from about the year 403 until 409.

What was St. Patrick's job when he was a slave?

St. Patrick was a shepherd when he was enslaved in Ireland.

What was st. Patrick job when he was a slave?

Patrick was forced to work as a shepherd in Ireland after he was kidnapped from Britain.

Who took St. Patrick to Ireland when he was a teenager?

He was carried to Ireland by Druid pirates as a slave until he was 22 years old.

What old job did St. Patrick have?

He was a slave, minding pigs in Ireland.

When st Patrick arrived in Ireland what was he?

He was a 16 year old slave.