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Jem and Scout touched the Radley place with their palms, against their father's orders. This incident occurred when they were trying to leave a note for Boo Radley.

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Related questions

When was Palms Place created?

Palms Place was created in 2008.

Who is blamed for trespassing on the Radley Place?

Boo Radley is blamed for trespassing on the Radley Place in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Who took Mr.radley's place when he went under?

Nathan Radley, Mr. Radley's brother, took his place and moved into the Radley home when Mr. Radley went under so as to keep a watchful eye on Boo Radley.

After mr. radley died what changes occured at the radley place?

His elder son Nathan Radley takes over the house

If scout and jem are afraid of Boo Radley why do they run in and out of the radley place trying to get boo's attention in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout and Jem are curious about Boo Radley and want to learn more about him despite their initial fear. They are intrigued by the mystery surrounding Boo and the Radley house, which drives them to try and catch a glimpse of him. Their actions are driven by a mix of fear, curiosity, and a desire to understand Boo Radley better.

What was Walter's experience with the radley place?

Walter Cunningham was too scared to go near the Radley place due to the rumored stories about Boo Radley, such as him coming out at night to harm people. Walter's fear and superstition kept him from exploring or interacting with the Radley house and its mysterious occupants.

How far is Radley from Oxfordshire?

Radley is in fact the same place as Oxfordshire, although not vice versa. Radley is a village within the greater county of Oxfordshire. However, from Radley to the center of Oxfordshire is approximately 6.6 miles.

In to kill a mockingbird superstition causes the children to be of which family's house?

The radley place home of Nathan and Arthur Radley(Boo Radley) There was a myth that Boo stabbed his parents

What does Scout ask Atticus after he returns from Radley Place after Mrs. Radley died?

Scout ask Atticus what does rape means?

Who seals the tree in front of the radley place and why?

Nathan Radley seals the knot-hole in the tree in front of the Radley place because he believes it is a bad influence on Boo Radley and wants to cut off communication between Boo and the children. He fills the hole with cement to prevent gifts being left for Boo.

What does it mean when you have red itchy palms?

It means that you have touched or held something that irritated your skin. You should think about what you touched recently, and if it happens again, try to identify the plant or substance (like a certain soap) that is causing this allergy.

How did the kids act now when walking by radley place?

The kids now walk quietly and quickly past the Radley place, showing a mix of curiosity and fear. They are more cautious and respectful, realizing the mysterious and eerie nature of the Radley house and its inhabitants. There is a sense of curiosity about Boo Radley, but also a recognition of the need to be wary and not trespass on his property.