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Q: Who traced Jesus back to a point before time was recorded?
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Did slavery start before Jesus was born?

Of Course. The jews, founders of Israel, at one point in History (Before Jesus) were slaves.

What Type of pollution that can be traced to a specific point of origin?

Point-source pollution

What was catholicism prior to Jesus?

Catholicism and any form of Christianity was inexistent prior to Jesus since the whole point of Christianity is Jesus as Christ and savior of mankind. Before Jesus all there was (respecting Hebrew religions) was Judaism. Jesus himself was a Jew

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he believed that when Moses came, everyone should've followed him, and he had a same point of view for Jesus. what he said was that Jesus and Moses were the profits before him and now that he came everyone should follow him as the last profit

Was Jesus born in 1994?

No,JESUS was born on year 1.That's why you may notice that the history and the years are decreasing before the birth of JESUS ,until the birth of JESUS which was on year 1 and the years started to increase after the birth of JESUS until reaching this year 2010...hope you got my point...

What inpact did Jesus have on the Romans?

Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.

Is it true or false that non-point-source pollution can be traced to one specific source?

It is False.

What is focal point of the last supper?

The theme is the last meal, the Passover meal, that Jesus shared with his disciples before being arrested.

What point are one's sins forgiven?

When Jesus Christ died on the cross it basically saved the world because before Jesus died, when people commited a sin and when they died they went to hell. But when Jesus died you have to ask for forgiveness then Jesus forgave you and then you could still go to heaven.

When Jesus died who was given to Mary as a son?

When Jesus was on the cross and just before he died, he told the Apostle John that he was now her son and she was his mother. Jesus was telling John to take care of his mother. Mary also had other children but Jesus made a point of telling John to care for her.

Did Jesus birth split the time line?

That's actually true,If you read in history,you will find that the years before JESUS' birth are decreasing until JESUS' birth then after JESUS' birth,the years are increasing until reaching this year 2010,thanks to GOD...hope you got my point...

How did the roman government react to Jesus and his followers?

As far as the Romans were concerned, Jesus of Nazareth was just another Jew who got in some sort of trouble and they had to carry out an execution. They did not even know who he was, as they needed someone to point him out to them before they could arrest him.