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Q: Who turned logic into abstract form?
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Who is credited with being the first too make logic into an abstract form?


Logic is easily understood is that an abstract noun?

Yes, logic is an abstract noun.

What is an abstract universal?

An abstract universal is a universal proposition in logic.

Is logic social science?

No, logic is not considered a form of social science; it is usually treated as a branch of mathematics, particularly when used to design computer programs, but sometimes it is a branch of rhetoric or oratory, or of philosophy. Science certainly uses logic, but logic is not a form of science, since science is based on observation and logic is based purely on abstract thought.

Who developed the first form of your abstract symbolic language?

It was Aristotle whom developed the first ever abstract symbolic language. Some philosophers call this language Aristotelian logic.

Which sentence contains an abstract noun A She handed him the dishtowel B Logic is easily understood C The vase was quite expensive D His skill was legendary?

The sentences that contain an abstract noun are:"Logic is easily understood." The noun logic is an abstract noun, a word for a concept."His skill was legendary." The noun skill is an abstract noun, a word for a concept.The words "logic" and "skill" are both abstract nouns. Logic is an intellectual concept.Skill is proficiency, something that can be demonstrated but not a tangible thing.

Is logic an abstract noun?

Yes, logic is an abstract noun, a word for reasoning, a function of the mind; the study of the principles of reasoning; the non-arithmetic operations performed by a computer.

What is the logic form of spiders?

The logic form is: arocnids.

What is the abstract form of invade?

Invasion is the abstract noun form.

How is science different from logic?

Science is concerned with understanding the universe in which we live, and logic is a purely abstract discipline concerned with understanding how to think.

What is the abstract noun for unusual?

The abstract noun form of the adjective unique is uniqueness.

What is the abstract noun form for polite?

The abstract noun form of the adjective 'polite' is politeness.