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Cuneiform was used by ancient Mesopotamian civilizations such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians to record information on clay tablets. Scribes were trained from a young age in specialized schools to learn the complex writing system and were typically selected based on their ability to memorize and reproduce the characters accurately.

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Q: Who used cuneiform and how were they chosen?
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Did ancient Egypt use cuneiform?

no egyptian's did not use cuneiform they used hierglyphics. the mesopatomia's used cuneiform.

A person who wrote cuneiform was a?

sumerians used cuneiform.

What was cuneiform used?


What was the Mesopotamia's wedge shape writing called?

The Sumerians used cuneiform. Cuneiform is 8,000 years old.

What invention of the Sumerians allowed this account to be preserved?

if you mean what writing they used, it was cuneiform.

What is the system of writing in ancient Mesopotamia?

Cuneiform was used by the ancient Sumerians

What was ancient Ghana's writing system?

They used a form of writing called Cuneiform. Cuneiform formed from the ancient writing called pictographs. Pictographs used pictures to describe words, cuneiform used shapes, such as blocks, as letters.

Which culture used cuneiform?

The ancient Mesopotamian cultures of Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians used cuneiform script. Cuneiform was one of the earliest forms of writing and was primarily used in the regions of present-day Iraq and Syria.

Which culture is correctly matched with the form of writing it used Egyptian cuneiform Phoenician heiroglyphics sumerian alphabet akkadian cuneiform?

Egyptian - hieroglyphics, Phoenician - alphabet, Sumerian - cuneiform, Akkadian - cuneiform.

What culture used cuneiform?

The Romans

What was the writing Mesopotamians used?

a stylus ( reed pen used for writing on wet clay).

Is cuneiform writing associated with Moslem or Islamic religions?

No, cuneiform predates it by a few thousand years. Cuneiform was used in ancient Babylon, which had a polytheistic religion.