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The Inca's

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Q: Who used quipus to remember information?
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What Incan invention helped with counting?

they used quipus to help remember numbers

What are the knotted strings that were used for recording information in the Inca Empire?


What did the Inca's use the quipus for?

the incas used the quipus to keep records

WHAT used the terraced system of agriculture and quipus?

The Inca civilization used the terraced system of agriculture to farm on steep mountain slopes. Quipus were knotted strings used by the Inca for record-keeping, with each knot representing a numeric value or information.

Did the Inca keep records by using quipus?

Yes, the Inca used quipus as a method of record-keeping. Quipus were knotted strings of various colors and lengths that represented different information such as numerical data, events, and transactions. They were an integral part of the Inca administrative system and helped in managing their vast empire.

What was the purpose of quipus?

The incas used it for keeping records such as, births, deaths, and harvests. Quipus where made out of a group of knotted strings.

Used the terraced system of agriculture and quipus?


Who used the terraced system of agriculture and quipus?


What is the record keeping system of the incas?

The Incas used a record keeping system called knotted strings, known as quipus. Quipus consisted of colored and knotted strings made of different materials that represented numbers, dates, and other information. The knots and colors held different meanings, allowing the Incas to record and communicate important data efficiently. However, much of the information recorded in quipus remains a mystery as the precise system of interpretation has been lost.

Did the Inca use the Quipu?

the incas used the quipus to keep records

How Quipus were?

The Incans made specific knots in patterns to be "read." They used them for communication.

How did quipus help the Inca rule their empire?

Quipus helped the Inca rule their empire by serving as a system of record-keeping. They recorded numerical data, such as population counts, tribute owed, and military information. This enabled efficient administration and communication across the vast Inca territories.