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Q: Who uses Bombat II the milatary robot and what is it used for?
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What the uses of robot in Hindi Uses of robot in Hindi?


What are some uses of an IRobot?

There are many uses of I robots. Some uses are for docking stations. Other uses are for products such as a robot vacuum, or a robot nurse in hospitals!

What 3 things make a robot a robot?

What makes a robot is its computer brain and its way to work in its enviornment. It uses its brain to interact with its surroundings.

What company uses a little robot for a logo?


What are negative uses of a robot?

Negative uses would be, If you get a robot to do everything for you them you will grow lazy and also a malfunction may occur in the robot and you wont know how to fix it. Use commen sense and you will come up with nagative uses other than the ones im mentioning. Also, Some people may use a robot to do a crime or hurt someone. :)

What are the uses of robot in Hindi language?

the uses are:- 1 It can be used as a vaccum cleaner 2 It can help you to finish ur work in the kitchen 3 It is used as a friend in ur home as ur child can play with it ...................................... etc.............................

What are the advantages of a homemade robot?

I have a disadvantage, Uses lots of energy

What do robot sensors do?

Robot sensors detect different things and send different amounts of electricity to the Robot's controller board to tell their findings. Then the controller board uses these different amounts of electricity to interact with its surroundings. Example: Lets say you have a robot that is made to follow light. Lets say your robot has 3 light sensors. One in the front of your robot one on the right and one on the left side. The sensors will detect how much light is on the front, right, and left sides and send this data to the controller board. Then the controller board uses this data to tell the robot with direction to go.

Microprocessor uses in robotics?

as we know that the core of the intelligent robot is its programming and as it is made up of electronics to control it assembly language programming is important so microprocessor is used in robotics.

What company has a robot with red eyes as a logo?

Google uses it for their Android operating system.

What insrument scientist use to help them?

Humanoid robot are the instrument scientist uses nw a days..

What is the name of a robot used to build cars?

There are several different manufacturers of industrial robots, and each manufacturer uses their own naming/numbering system to distinguish different product lines.