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A Grand Jury.

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Q: Who uses a multiple offense indictment?
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What is the statute of limitation for crimes used in a multiple bill in a criminal case?

In a multiple indictment (i.e.: all crimes were committed concurrently) - the SOL will be governed by the most serious offense.

How long does the State have to present an indictment for the offense of murder?

3 days

Can you put the word indictment in a sentence?

In the common law legal system, an indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a criminal offense.

In the Indictment Jefferson uses the words he has?

repeatedly, to introduce each grievance or indictment, creating a powerful cumulative effect.

What term refers to a written statement of the essential facts about an offense charged against an accused person?


What is an indictgment?

An indictment is basically a letter you get in the mail from a prosecuting lawyer. It means they are taking you to court for some kind of offense.

May a defendant represented by counsel waive indictment in a capital case?

Probably could, but the defense attorney would be foolish to do so since waiving indictment would be tantamount to pleading you guilty of the offense.

How can you use indict in a sentence?

In the common law legal system, an indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a criminal offense.

What crimes will deny a passport?

A person under an indictment or on trial for a criminal offense cannot apply for a passport in the United States.

If a defendant is arrested in a jurisdiction that does not require a grand jury indictment?

Regardless, they will be tried under the prevailing laws of the state in which they committed the offense. Unless - he is arrested on an out-of-state warrant and is being held for extradition (which doesn't require an indictment)

If you are convicted of a felony and you goes to jail multiple times of the same felony with different cases pending against you What is the maximum time you serve prison on a secret indictment?

The maximum time you can serve in prison for a felony conviction varies depending on the severity of the offense and the laws of the jurisdiction. A secret indictment is an indictment that is not made public until the defendant is in custody, so it does not directly impact the length of the prison sentence. However, repeat offenses of the same felony may result in longer sentences due to factors such as prior convictions and sentencing guidelines.

Is an indictment is a formal written accusation submitted to the court by a grand jury alleging that a specified person has committed a specified offense?

Yes. The question is a true statement.