

Who uses an equal area map?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Who uses an equal area map?
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A equal-area map shows the "true" size of Australia.

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What is the The difference between Mercator map and equal area map?

Equal-Area maps are more of the true shape, and mercator distorts it more

What is the name of a map of the globe which is made by so that the scale is the same in any direction at any point?

A map projection drawn in such a way that an area on the map is proportional to the area on the globe is called an equal-area projection map.

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it is an equal-area map

What feature is distorted on an equal area map?

Landmasses , map projections that show the correct size of landmasses are called equal-area maps. In order to show the correct size of the landmasses, the map usually distort shapes . This distortion is usually greater at the edges of the map and less at the center

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Dot maps use dots to represent a stated amount of some phenomenon within a political unit. Using a scale equating one dot with 1,000 people, 12 dots in one area would represent 12,000 people living in that area. On a choropleth map each political unit is fulled in with a distinguishing color or pattern but instead use lines to join points of equal value across the mapped area. So in short, one map uses dots, and the other uses lines.

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It uses a MAP sensor.It uses a MAP sensor.

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uses of maps,who uses map, type of map,part of map

What are possible uses a scientist would have for maps?

some possible uses are amazing they can indicate cultural features and it can see on a map that connects point of equal elevation

What the uses of maps?

map represent an area on apiece of paper it also show phyisical features by symbols