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Q: Who warned Japan that Britain would be in the war?
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Did England encourage japan to start the russo-Japanese warrussia?

Britain signed a treaty with Japan saying that if another country entered the war against Japan, Britain would enter the war on the side of Japan. This treaty kept all nations out of the war, except for the two combatants: Russia & Japan.

Why did Britain declare war on Japan?

Japan declared war on both the U. S. and Britain when they launched the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

Was russo-japanese war apart of World War 1?

No. WW1 came in 1914. The Russo-Japanese War "almost" or "could have" became Germany & France wanted to side with Russia against Japan; only Britain's "pact" with Japan prevented it. Had Germany/France entered the war against Japan, Britain would have entered the war as Japan's ally...WWI!

Who would have won in World War 2 Britain or japan?

japan,they have a stronger will they would have fought to the death. look at how long it took the Americans to conquer the pacific.

Britain Australia and France aided the US in the war against Japan?

False Britain, Australia, and China aided the U.S in the war against Japan.

In World War 2 who were Britain in war with?

germany,italy and japan

How did the US involved in the russo japanese war?

It didn't. This was a war strictly between Russia & Japan. Britain had a treaty with Japan; ANY nation taking sides would involve Great Britain. Quite naturally, any nation siding with Japan would have to face nations siding with Russia...such as France and Germany (who favored Russia).

How did the US get involved in the Russo-Japanese war?

It didn't. This was a war strictly between Russia & Japan. Britain had a treaty with Japan; ANY nation taking sides would involve Great Britain. Quite naturally, any nation siding with Japan would have to face nations siding with Russia...such as France and Germany (who favored Russia).

Who controlled Japan after world war 2?


What nations sided in war with Great Britain in world war 1?

France, Italy and russia were sided with Great Britain in WW1

What happened in September 1939 that sparked the beginning of World War 2?

On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland. Great Britain and France had warned Hitler that if he invaded Poland, they would declare war.

Why did Japan enter World War 1 on the side of Great Britain?

Japan wasn't in WW1.