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Q: Who warned the wise men in a dream about Herod wanting to kill Jesus?
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Where did Jesus hide from Herod?

God warned Joseph in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to avoid the wrath of Herod.

How were the family warned that someone wanted to kill Jesus?

An angel told Joseph in a dream that Herod wanted to kill Jesus.

Why did the magi not return to king herod?

The Magi did not return to King Herod because they were warned in a dream not to go back to him. They were told to go home by a different route to avoid King Herod, who had asked them to report back to him after finding the newborn king of the Jews. This was likely to protect the child Jesus from Herod's malicious intentions.

How was the family warned that someone wanted to kill Jesus?

An angel came to Joseph in a dream and warned him to take his family to Egypt immediately as Herod was looking for the child jesus.

Who warned Jesus to flee to Egypt?

Here Jesus was not warned to flee, but the angel warned Joseph in a dream.

Why the wise men not return to king Herod after seeing jesus?

The wise men brought gifts for Jesus of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Mary thanked them for bringing the gifts for Jesus and the wise men left to find a place to sleep for the night. As they were sleeping, they each had the same dream . The wise men were warned by an angel not to go back to King Herod and tell him about where they found the Jesus as King Herod had intended on killing him.

What is Matthew 2 all about?

Matthew 2 tells about the wise men comming to see Jesus in Bethlehem. The wise men talk to King Herod and tell him they are looking for the saviour. Herod tries to trick the wise men into revealing where the saviour is but the wise men are warned in a dream and don't see Herod again. Herod realizes the wise men have tricked him and so he plans to kill all male children under two years old. Joseph is warned in a dream and him and Mary their son go to live in Egypt until Herod dies.

Why did Jesus leave Egypt?

AnswerIn Matthew's version of the nativity of Jesus, Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus from Bethlehem to Egypt to escape King Herod, who wanted to have Jesus killed. After Herod died and it appeared safe to do so, they began the journey back to their home in Bethlehem, but being warned in a dream turned aside and made the long journey to Nazareth in Galilee instead.

What horrible thing did Herod do to Jesus?

A:In Matthew's Gospel, King Herod sought to have Jesus killed, forcing Joseph to flee with Mary and Jesus to Egypt. When Herod had died, they felt it safe to return to their home in Bethlehem but, being warned in a dream, turned aside and travelled north to Galilee, where they settled in a city called Nazareth. In Luke's Gospel, King Herod had no interest in Jesus. After his birth, the young family was free to go to the temple in Jerusalem, Herod's capital city, and then travel peacefully to Nazareth, which was already their home town. They even returned each year for the Passover.

Did the magi tell herod where Jesus would be born?

The birth of Jesus was written as prophecy in the Old Testament, including where. They may have been familiar with some of the Jewish beliefs. As part of their repertoire they were skilled in astronomy and followed the star.

Did the wise men trick Herod into thinking they had traveled home?

No evidence that they did. It seems to only be recorded that they went home another way being warned a dream by God not to return to Herod.

What country did Jesus parent escape to?

When word got out that King Herod was after Jesus and his family, they escaped to Egypt. Jesus was thought to be the King of Kings and Herod thought of him as a threat.