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Oona O'Neil, who was the daughter of Pulitzer-Prize winning playwright Eugene O'Neil -- who disapproved of his daughter's marriage to Chaplin, and cut off all communication with her afterward.


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13y ago

Uncertain what is meant by Mrs Charles Chaplin. I do know its pretty common knowledge he was married several times. His first wife was Mildred Harris. She was known as Mrs Charles Chaplin. His 2nd wife was Lita Grey. She was born Lolita McKenna, part Mexican and part Irish. Since she was 16 and Chaplin was in his early 30s I wonder if she was the inspiration for Nabokov's novel "Lolita"

Oona Chaplin, born Oona O'Neill, the daughter of Eugene O'Neill.

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10y ago

Charlie Chaplin was a silent movie actor (in other words, a Mime artist).

Charlie Chaplin (Charles Spencer Chaplin) in London (England), on 16th of April 1889. His parents, Charles Chaplin, Sr and Hannah Hill were music hall entertainers but they separated shortly after Charlie was born, leaving Hannah to look after her children. In 1896 when Hannah was no longer able to care for her children, Charlie and his brother Sydney were taken to Lambeth Workhouse and later, Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. Charlie Chaplin lived from April the 16th, 1889 to December the 25th, 1977. He died at the age of eighty-eight.

Here is more information about Charlie Chaplin. Who want to know more about 'Charlie' may consider the following link,

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr. KBE (16 April 1889 - 25 December 1977), better known as Charlie Chaplin, was an Academy Award-winning English comedic actor and filmmaker. Chaplin became one of the most famous actors as well as a notable filmmaker, composer and musician in the early to mid "Classical Hollywood" era of American cinema. Chaplin acted in, directed, scripted, produced and eventually scored his own films as one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. His working life in entertainment spanned over 65 years, from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer almost until his death at the age of 88. His high-profile public and private life encompassed both adulation and controversy. With Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith, Chaplin co-founded United Artists in 1919. In a review of the book Chaplin: A Life (2008), Martin Sieff writes: "Chaplin was not just 'big', he was gigantic. In 1915, he burst onto a war-torn world bringing it the gift of comedy, laughter and relief while it was tearing itself apart through World War I. Over the next 25 years, through the Great Depression and the rise of Hitler, he stayed on the job. He was bigger than anybody. It is doubtful any individual has ever given more entertainment, pleasure and relief to so many human beings when they needed it the most."[2]
Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin was an English comic actor, film director and composer best known for his work in the United States during the silent film era.

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14y ago

Oona O'Neill, who was 36 years his junior. He married her on 16 June 1943.

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12y ago

Oona O'Neill, daughter of the playwright Eugene O'Neill. (Chaplin was never allowed to meet his famous father-in-law.)

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13y ago

originally he was a stage performer, but later on he became a silent film movie star!

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11y ago

His last wife was Oona O'Neill, daughter of the dramatist Eugene O'Neill.

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14y ago

Oona O'neill

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