

Who was Freya in the nordic mythology?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Freyja is the Norse goddess of prosperity, fertility and marriage.

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Q: Who was Freya in the nordic mythology?
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Is freya the goddess of love?

Yes, Freya is a Norse goddess associated with love, beauty, and fertility. She is also linked to war and death in Norse mythology.

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There was no childbirth god or goddess in Norse, though one of Odin's wives died in childbirth. Nordic mythology is quite different from the olympic calm of the Greco-Roman pantheon ( see Hamilton"s mythology). There is much fighting and violence and little sweetness and light. Frig, also Frigga or Freya, was the closest they came to Aphrodite, the Love Goddess and subject of the song 'Venus,' her Roman name. There was no Solar deity in Nordic mythoology, either.

Who was freya in Norse mythology?

She was the Norse goddess of love and fertility. Also named Freyja.

Who was the ferryman in nordic mythology?

As far as I know, the "ferryman" in Nordic myth were the Valkyries They took souls to Valhalla and decided the outcomes of battles. The ferryman was Charon who took your soul across the river Styx (for a fee) in Greek mythology but there is no river as such in Nordic myth. so, to answer your question, Valkyries.

Who were the gods of the underworld?

In Greek mythology it was Hades and Persephone. In Roman mythology , it was Pluto and Persephone. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god of the underworld assisted by Anubis. In Nordic mythology, Hel is the queen of the underworld.

What is another name for the roman love goddess?

The goddess of love in roman mythology was Venus. Her greek name was Aphrodite. A part from those, she had no other names. If you mean other goddesses of love, then - Egyptian Mythology - Isis Sumerian Mythology - Ishtar Norse Mythology - Freya Hindu Mythology - Radha Aztec Mythology - Tlazplteol

How does Freya die?

Freyja is one of few Norse gods/goddesses who do not die in the mythology. She even survives Ragnarök, the end of the world.

Does Pandora love freya more?

It is unlikely. Pandora is of Greek mythology and was wife of Epimetheus. Freyja was a goddess of Norse myth and wife of Óðr.

Why did Odin cast Loki to Earth?

It depends on what your talking about . Odin did cast Loki out in both the mythology and anime . In the anime Freya in love with Loki but Loki is married to Sigyn and Freya is married to Odin . Odin has the most power out of all . So he cast Loki out .

Who are the 3 main viking gods?

Thor, Odin, and Freya are some of the most known gods. There are no three main gods like their are in Greek Mythology.