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The Creator has one true name which is represented by the letters YHVH in English. The Hebrew letters are "yud, hei, vav, hei". These four letters are referred to as the tetragrammaton and are a contraction of the Hebrew words for, "was, is, and will be". His true name was only said in the Temple and with the Temple's destruction we lost the correct pronunciation.

In the Tanach (Jewish Bible), there are 72 different 'names' used for The Creator, these aren't actual names though, they're descriptions of Him that are contextual. In daily conversation, most Jews use the name 'HaShem' which literally translates to 'The Name' in reference to His true name.

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HaShem is a polite way of referring to God. The word HaShem is used when not praying.

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The term "Ha Shem" in Hebrew means The Name. This is a very delicate way of referring to God, by those who consider the name of God to be too holy to actually utter.

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Q: Who was HaShem in Jewish religion?
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We don't worship prophets, we only worship HaShem, the creator.

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