

Who was Huitzilopitchli?

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12y ago

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The Aztec God of War and sun god.

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Q: Who was Huitzilopitchli?
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How many years was Huitzilopitchli a god?

Huitzilopitchli was worshipped as a god by the Aztecs for hundreds of years, starting around the 14th century and continuing until the Spanish conquest in the 16th century.

9 Who is Huitzilopochtli?

Huitzilopitchli was one of the Aztecs gods (the god of war)

Did the Aztecs have a religon?

of course they had a religion. The Aztecs were polytheists, which means that they believed in more than one god, they had lots of gods. The most important ones were Huitzilopitchli, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca. The Aztecs believed that the world was made and destroyed four times, so they were living in the fifth world. The Aztecs made human sacrifices because they believed that their sun god, Huitzilopitchli every day fought against the moon and to feed the sun god, so he could defeat the moon they sacrificed humans and fed the god by putting a human heart on the god's statue.

Did the have a religon?

of course they had a religion. The Aztecs were polytheists, which means that they believed in more than one god, they had lots of gods. The most important ones were Huitzilopitchli, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca. The Aztecs believed that the world was made and destroyed four times, so they were living in the fifth world. The Aztecs made human sacrifices because they believed that their sun god, Huitzilopitchli every day fought against the moon and to feed the sun god, so he could defeat the moon they sacrificed humans and fed the god by putting a human heart on the god's statue.

What does the color blue represent for the Aztecs?

integrity patience love and hope. one of the Aztecs gods Huitzilopitchli (pronounced Weetz-ee-loh-POCHT-lee) , the patron god of the Aztecs. his cape of hood or something he wore was blue and the Aztecs respected that. ever since then the Aztecs would paint their victims blue to show respect.

Why did the Aztec sacrifice so many people?

because they believed that Huitzilopitchli their sun god needed 350 bowls of blood a day so that he could win the battle against the stars/ moon god and rise again at dawn. And on top of all these sacrifices they also sacrificed a few people a day to their not-so-important gods.

What does the seal on the Mexican flag mean?

Golden Eagle: represents the sun god Huitzilopitchli. Important because the Mexicans referred to themselves as the 'people of the sun' Cactus: Island of Tenochtitlan Snake: to Mexicans represented wisdom. There was an incorrect translation of the original text telling the story so the snake is represented as evil. Eagle= all that is good Snake= all that is evil To Europeans this represents the struggle between good and evil in society

Who are the gods of the Aztec people?

Some of the gods: Huitzilopitchli, the "hummingbird wizard" and sun god. This is the god that the Aztecs offered live beating hearts of sacrificial victims to. He was also the god of war, and the chief Aztec god. Tezcatlipoca, the "god of the smoky mirror"--god of night, war, leaders--he is decorated with obsidian mirrors and can turn into a jaguar. Tlaloc--the god of rain Quetzalcoatl--the "feathered serpent" a peaceful god who abhorred human sacrifice. Post Conquest mythology says that he was said to be a white man and the Aztecs confused Hernan Cortes with Quetzalcoatl. He was the god of the wind. Xipe Totec--the god of vegetative renewal, was depicted as wearing the flayed skin of a sacrificial victim. There are more--check out "Aztec gods" on

What are some important lakes in Mexico?

Lake Texcoco was a natural lake formation within the Valley of Mexico, a basin located in the southern highlands of Mexico's central Altiplano. It formerly extended over a large portion in the southern half of the basin, where it was the largest of an interconnected chain of five major and several smaller lakes. Lake Texcoco was the lowest-lying of all the lakes, and occupied the minimum elevation in the valley so that water ultimately drained towards it. During periods of high water levels, typically after the May-October rainy seasons, the lakes were often joined as a single body of water. In the drier winter months the lake system tended to separate into individual bodies of water. According to a traditional story, the Mexica wandered in the deserts of modern Mexico for 100 years before they came to the thick forests of the place we now call the Valley of Mexico. The state religion of the Aztec civilization awaited the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy: that the wandering tribes would find the destined site for a great city whose location would be signaled by an eagle eating a snake while perched atop a cactus. The Mexicas, guided by their god Huitzilopitchli, saw this vision on what was then a small swampy island in Lake Texcoco, a vision that is now immortalized in Mexico's coat of arms and on the Mexican flag.

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It is the only remaining member of the Seven Wonders. The features are so large it can be seen from the moon. There is no hieroglyphics in the pyramid. The pyramid is also known as: Pyramid of Khufu and The pyramid of Cheops. It is the tallest man-made structure in the world for a period over 3800 years. There are 3 chambers inside; king, queen and an unfinished chamber. The Great pyramid is made of 2,300,000 limestone blocks.