

Best Answer

Lylith was not exactly a biblical character, but she is associated with one in Jewish folklore. The story goes something like this:

Before Eve was given to Adam by his creator, there was Lylith. She was his first mate. But there were problems in Paradise - Lylith could not endure the physical side of their relationship and resisted any advances made by her husband. She finally parted company with him altogether and at the time she was withchild.

It was in response to Adam's desperate lonliness that he realized that he was not going dwell alone. He created Eve, and the story goes on from there as it is well known to Bible readers.

(Lylith wanted equal control, Adam did not he wanted all control..... so desperate he took a bone from his rib and created Eve, something he could control!)

Answer # 2

This is where bible students can get into trouble. The word Lylith is not written in any biblical text. Therefore The Bible student should not consider Lylith in their biblical studies outside of knowing its a character associated with folklore. What the folklore states is of no importance to a biblical student. Only knowing the name is not biblical is important. Its a folklore story invented to throw people off track of the truth, our father does not mention that name... ever. Lylith is a mythical charactor created by men. Lylith is a fake, deception, put in place to trip up Christians studying Hebrew texts.

The scribes of the old temple put out many confusing stories of this type, in order to throw Christians off track. The greatest of these fake stories or myths is the one included in Christian canon and therefore in the KJV biblical text which is known as the book of Eshter. Esther was a mythical character placed by the scribes of the temple, who had been infested by Kenites (sons of Cain). There is no double testament in all of our Fathers word which attests to Esther. Esther's name 635, is a derivative of Ester which is where the word Easter comes form. Easter is from the fertility worship (grove worship) of the goddess Ishtar. Esther, Ester, Easter, Ishtar its all the same name.

The prophet Daniel was at the palace in Babylon at the same time Esther was supposedly there and he never mentions her, not even once. The prophet Jeremiah had gathered the daughters of king Zedekiah of Judah together during the captivity of Babylon, as he was their uncle, so you would think that if there was this one called Esther who was chosen to lead the people of Judah, her uncle Jeremiah would mention her, but not a peep, not a word came form Jeremiah concerning this one called Esther. Jeremiah took the daughters of king Zedekiah to what is now called the United Kingdom. Therefore how could any daughter of the house royal of king Zedekiah, the niece's of Jeremiah, wind up in Babylon?

So be careful brothers and sisters when you decide to go down pig trails such as this one concerning Lylith.

Answer # 2 ends

Answer #3:

Lylith is a myth created by Jewish Scholars to account for other races, nothing else.

Answer # 4*

The word Lilith (Lylith) is written in the Biblical Text of Isaiah, she is a demon, (or a group of demons.)

Hebrew: וּפָגְשׁוּ צִיִּים אֶת-אִיִּים, וְשָׂעִיר עַל-רֵעֵהוּ יִקְרָא; אַךְ-שָׁם הִרְגִּיעָה לִּילִית, וּמָצְאָה לָהּ מָנוֹח

Hebrew (ISO 259): u-pagšu ṣiyyim et-ʾiyyim w-saʿir ʿal-rēʿēhu yiqra; ʾak-šam hirgiʿa lilit u-maṣʾa lah manoaḫ

34:14 "And shall-meet desert creatures et (particle) jackals the goat he-calls his- fellow lilit(lilith) she-rests and she-finds rest

Isaiah 34:8-15 The Message (MSG)

It's God's scheduled time for vengeance, the year all Zion's accounts are settled. Edom's streams will flow sluggish, thick with pollution, the soil sterile, poisoned with waste, The whole country a smoking, stinking garbage dump- The fires burning day and night, the skies black with endless smoke. Generation after generation of wasteland- no more travelers through this country! Vultures and skunks will police the streets; owls and crows will feel at home there. God will reverse creation. Chaos! He will cancel fertility. Emptiness! Leaders will have no one to lead. They'll name it No Kingdom There, A country where all kings and princes are unemployed. Thistles will take over, covering the castles, fortresses conquered by weeds and thornbushes. Wild dogs will prowl the ruins, ostriches have the run of the place. Wildcats and hyenas will hunt together, demons and devils dance through the night. The night-demon Lilith, evil and rapacious, will establish permanent quarters. Scavenging carrion birds will breed and brood, infestations of ominous evil.

Isaiah 34:14 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)Wildcats shall meet with hyenas, goat-demons shall call to each other; there too Lilith shall repose, and find a place to rest.

Isaiah 34:14 New American Bible (NAB) Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest.

Isaiah 34:14 New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) Wild cats will meet hyenas there, satyr will call to satyr, there Lilith too will lurk and find somewhere to rest.

End of Answer # 4*

Response to "Lilitith:

I had previously stated, in answer #3 that "Lilith" was a myth created by Jewish scholars. I will stand by that answer. First. the word is not in the KJV of the Bible, it in the Strongs Concordance word #H3917. It's defined as "Liylyth" a "night spectre", or a "Screech Owl". The word was taken from the Strong's root word #H3915. Meaning "of the night, rather than the day". In the Greek Lexicon it is also describes it as a "Spectre", a "phantom". The Lexicon further states, it is in the Jewish "Talmud" P.1140, which is collection of "Jewish scholars writings". You really need to understand what the Talmud is, suggest you check it out as you may be surprised. The Lexicon further, adds: A nocturnal spectre who lays in wait for children. Adding that this is utterly absurd and has no place to be mentioned in the scripture, as it really has no connection with the word of God. In the commentary, it further adds many understand it as "Screech owl". Just as it is translated in the KJV. MY commentary: "It is a Fairly Tale", it is what I told you it was in my original answer, it a way for men to understand the reason for the different races. That is explained in the sixth day creation in Genesis Chpt.1 Vs.:26-27. Choose which you believe.

End of Answer #5

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13y ago

The primary Hebrew view on the origin of evil spirits is that they were created by God at the very last moment, but the Sabbath began before he could clothe them in corporeal form, so they remained without bodies. Evil spirits are presided over by two arch-demons, Lilith and Samael. (Jewish Mythology, by Dr David Goldstein)

In popular myth, Lilith was Adam's first wife, but she quarrelled with him and flew away, because he would not let her be on top when having sex. God sent three angels who threatened the daily death of one hundred of her children if she did not return to Adam. She refused and suffered the threatened punishment. Now, because of this, she attacks the newborn children of others.

Lilith is not actually mentioned in the Bible. Although the name Lilith is oftenconsidered to be from the Hebrew Laylah(night), she is probably based on the Babylonian female demon, Lilitu.

AnswerLilith is not mentioned in the Bible because she was not existent. It arose from a mistaken understanding of Genesis 1 and 2. They refer only to one creation event - in Genesis 1 it is an overview, while Genesis 2 focuses on the creation of man. Adam had only one wife, whose name was Eve - same one in both chapters.
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14y ago

Lillith is not in the Bible. According to the mystic Jewish teachings of the Kaballah, Lillith was the first wife of Adam who rebelkled against being Adam's help, and decided she wanted Adam to cater to her. When God disapproved, she rejected God and became the mother of all the demons. It is a false belief system.

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14y ago

Lilith was the "supposed" first wife of Adam, made at the same time as Adam by God. An independent creature, Lilith refused to be second best to Adam, since they were made as equals. with him, she left, or as some say "flew off" and being made after Gods own image like Adam, she wasn't just human, so she fused with another demon, and is said to wander the earth killing babies. This information I have just told you isn't found in many bibles, but instead in an ancient Hebrew text, called the Zorah. It is then said that God made a second woman out of Adams rib, to be his mate, but to be more submissive. She was Eve.

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13y ago

It isnt.

The idea of Lilith as being the 'first woman' rather than Eve is purely a myth and invention and has no basis in scripture whatsoever.

Additional info:

The word 'lilith' is not a proper name. The only place where this Hebrew word appears is at Isaiah 34:14, where many believe it refers to some type of nocturnal bird.

NIV translates it "night creatures", NASB translates it "night monster", KJV translates it "screech owl".

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8y ago

If you are referring to Lilith, the female demon, she is not mentioned in the Bible. She is viewed as a myth, through folklore. Some people confuse the issue because in Isaiah 34:14, some versions of the Bible use the word lilith in a list of unclean animals.

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9y ago

Though not mentioned by name in most Bible translations, the word lilith appears in the Hebrew text and Orthodox Jewish Bible in Isaiah 34:14 (Yeshaya 34 OJB) translated to mean "night monster." The concept of Lilith as a predecessor of Eve is considered part of Jewish myth and the possible origin might be from the Babylonian god Lilitu. There is no basis of fact for Lilith as a person in the Bible.

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13y ago

Lilith doesn't really show up in the Bible but her presence is sometimes inferred because of the two versions of God creating man in the beginning.

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No. She is first mentioned only in the Talmud.

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