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Q: Who was President during the LA Riots and Hurricane Katrina?
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President during watts riots?

president Johnson

Was the 2011 London riots successful or not?

Absolutely not, the whole city went ablaze during the riots. There was stealing from/breaking into stores, burning out buses, burning out buildings and fights during the 2011 London riots.

What was a result of opposition to the draft during the war?

draft riots in New York City

What riots broke out during the Industrial Revolution?

hay market square

What is the president of Egypt doing to cause the riots?

not stepping down from power i believe,

When did the bread riots in Paris during the French Revolution occur?

the food riots in Paris were in 1793

How many riots were there during the reign of Elizabeth 1?

I believe that there were no riots during her way as she offered the "Via Media" ( The Middle Way) which meant that you had to ateend protestan services but practice Catholicsm in private

What caused civilian rioting in the North and the South during the US Civil War?

The South experienced minor rioting due to food shortages and the North had riots because of the North's 1863 conscription laws. No one was killed in the Southern riots but in New York City in July of 1863, the riots were deadly. Mobs of rioters lynched Freed Blacks and burned down buildings. It was the largest civil insurrection in US history. As an example of how deadly the riots were, President Lincoln had to send 20,000 troops from Gettysburg with howitzers to end the riots.

What happened in New York during the Civil War?

Draft riots.

What was New York the site of during the Civil War?

Draft riots.

What race was involved in the racial riots in 1964?

The 1964 Race Riots were a series of riots that took place in Singapore during two separate periods in July and September between Chinese and Malay groups. The first incident occurred on 21 July during a Malay procession that marked Prophet Muhammad's birthday. In total, the violence killed 36 people and injured another 556. About 3,000 people were arrested. The riots are also known as the Prophet Muhammad Birthday Riots, 1964 Racial Riots, and 1964 Sino-Malay Riots. At that time, Singapore was a state in the Federation of Malaysia.

What is the bloody Kansas?

Kansas was called "bloody Kansas" during the Civil war and before it, when there were riots about slavery there.Many of these riots happened after John Brown's riot.