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Q: Who was a famous senator from Massachusetts who did not believe in state's rights?
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Who was the Massachusetts Senator who fought for civil rights for blacks during the Johnson years?

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Who debated Daniel Webster about State Rights?

Senator Robert Hayne of South Carolina (The recipient of Webster's most famous speech, his "Second Reply" to Hayne)

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He was famous for his speeches, and his determination to help African Americans rights, and women's rights.

Who was the southern senator that attempted to prevent the civil rights act of 1957?

Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina.

Advocate in sentence?

The senator was a civil rights advocate for his constituents.

What is the process in Massachusetts of losing all parental rights and getting them back?

You can get your rights back as a parent once you have come back to the country and state of Massachusetts.

Some of the most famous filibusters have gone over 24 hours?

Some of the most famous filibusters have gone over 24 hours. The most famous is Senator Strom Thurman's 24 hour, 18 minutes failed filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Can convicted felons own property in Massachusetts?

yes because they have the rights they are criminals but they have rights to.

What did the Massachusetts Body of Liberties establish?

The rights of the colonists.

What is Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn's stance on the federal Defense of Marriage Act?

Senator Coburn does not support the marriage rights of gays and lesbians.

What are squatters rights on Massachusetts government owned land?

There are no such thing in law in the United States as squatters rights. State owned land cannot be acquired by adverse possession in Massachusetts.