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Definitely, the first Prophet of God was Adam. However, there is a debate about the first messenger.

There is a difference between a prophet and a messenger.

Some define a messenger as one who is given a book. So, by this definition, every "messenger" of God is a prophet of God (one who receives a revelation that is written down), but not every "prophet" of God (one who does not receive a revelation that is written down) is a messenger.

There are five revealed "books" mentioned in the Qur'an: the Scrolls (or pages) of Abraham, the Torah of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Gospel of Jesus and the Qur'an, given to Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

Now here is a subtle point: even though the Qur'an mentions these five books alone, it does not say that these were the only five books. About the Prophets, in fact, we know that even though the Qur'an mentions twenty-five, there actually were many, many more than that. So, if there were other books given to other messengers, then we cannot say for sure who was the first messenger. But we do know that the first Prophet of God was Adam.

Others may define the messenger as the prophet who conveys God message to people to worship God as the one and only one God with no partner, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. In this sense, no difference between a prophet and a messenger. By this definition, Adam would be also the first messenger.

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