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Hillary Clinton was a lawyer in Arkansas when her husband, Bill, ran for president.

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Q: Who was a lawyer in Arkansas when their husband ran for president?
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Did Clinton win Arkansas when he ran for president?

Yes, Bill Clinton carried Arkansas in both 1992 and 1996.

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When was Hillary first lady of Arkansas?

Hillary Rodham Clinton became First Lady of Arkansas after her husband Bill won the governor's race in November 1978; she and her husband took office in January 1979. At that time, Hillary kept her name, and used Hillary Rodham, as she continued her work as a lawyer. The decision to keep her name and maintain her career was very controversial with conservative Arkansas voters. When her husband was defeated for reelection, she reconsidered her stance; and when he ran again, she accepted the name of Hillary Clinton (or even Mrs. Bill Clinton). She was Arkansas First Lady for twelve years: the first time, from 1979–81, and then again from 1983–92.

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his job was first being a lawyer then house of representatives then a senator finally he resigned then ran for president.

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What political party is Elizabeth Dole affiliated with?

The Republican Party. Her husband, Bob, also ran for president against Bill Clinton in 1996.

What is hillary Clinton's responsibilities?

Hillary Clinton has had a long career in public service. She was a lawyer and an advocate for the poor, before becoming First Lady of Arkansas (her husband Bill Clinton was the governor); when he became president, she became the First Lady of the United States. After that, she was elected to the U.S. Senate, representing the state of New York. She ran unsuccessfully for president in 2008 but lost the nomination to Barack Obama; Mr. Obama subsequently named her Secretary of State, and she visited more than 100 countries during her term. She ran for president again in 2016 but lost to Donald Trump.

Where Andrew Jackson work before becoming president?

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