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Q: Who was an American colonist that favored the inspdependece from Britain?
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Colonist who favored war against Britain is called what?

A patriot. An American colonist that supported Great Britain was known as a Tory.

Who favored Britain?

In the American Revolution the Loyalists were fighting for England.

What was the colonist called that favored Britain during the revolution?

tories, or loyalists. whichever you prefer really

What term was used to describe a colonist who favored the british rule?

Loyalist. They were loyal to the king.

Who the Treaty of Versailles favored?

The treaty of Versailles favored the United States, France, and Britain. It favored them so much that it was the reason the treaty did not work.

Did Hamilton favor the french or the British?

He favored Britain.

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At the beginning of the American Civil War which factors favored the South?

The fighting quality of their manpower. A clear mission to defend the homeland. Sympathy - and possible aid - from Britain and France.

A person who favored independence from great britain would be described as a?


He wrote a pamphlet that favored independence from Great Britain.?

Thomas Paine

Who were the colonist that remained faithful to the king after the reveloutionary war?

they were called the loyalists or, united empire loyalists. they fled to new brunswick and Canada after the revolutionary war. they were called the loyalists or, united empire loyalists. they fled to new brunswick and Canada after the revolutionary war.

Jay's treaty did what?

Jay's Treaty was a treaty between the United States and Great Britain that averted war in 1795. The treaty called for British troops to withdraw from American forts and in return America gave favored trading status to Britain.