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Roberto was the instructor of elevens -the dude who was smiling when he was released after being at the House of the Old. The old lady Lady Larissa told Jonas about him in the bathing room in the House of the Old in chapter 4.

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The character Jonas was selected to be the Receiver of Memory and was trained by the Giver, who served as his mentor and instructor in the community. The Giver passed on memories of emotions, color, and experiences to Jonas in order to help him understand the true nature of the world they lived in.

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Q: Who was an instructor of elevens in The Giver?
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Who is the instructor of elevens In The Giver?

The instructor of Elevens in "The Giver" is a stern woman named Rosie. She conducts the Naming ceremony where each child receives their official assignment in the community.

What do elevens get in The Giver?

they get nothing during Eleven. its the "boring" year

Why was an announcement made to all male elevens in the giver?

The announcement was made to all male elevens in "The Giver" to inform them that they were now old enough to start their volunteer hours and prepare for their future assignments within the community. This marked an important milestone in their lives as they began their journey towards adulthood and contributing to the community.

In the giver by Lois Lowry what is the ceremony of elevens?

Females get a different undergarments, Males get a longer trousers with a pocket for the small calculator.

What does the Instructor do in The Giver?

The Instructor in "The Giver" is in charge of training Jonas to become the Receiver of Memories. The Instructor teaches Jonas about the community's rules and history, and guides him in understanding the memories he receives. Ultimately, the Instructor plays a key role in Jonas's journey to discover the truth about their society.

Where did Jonas sit at the ceremonies in the giver?

In the book "The Giver," Jonas sat with the other Elevens at the front during the Ceremony of Twelve. They sat in order of their assigned number, with the eldest in the back and the youngest in the front.

What happens during the ceremony of elevens in the givers?

During the Ceremony of Elevens in "The Giver," each child in the community receives their assigned roles or job assignments. This ceremony marks the transition from childhood to adulthood as they start their training for their future responsibilities. It is a significant event that shapes the rest of their lives in the controlled society of the book.

How does Larissa describe Roberto and release ceremony in the giver?

In "The Giver," Larissa describes Roberto as being released by saying he had gone to Elsewhere. She explains that it is a special ceremony held for the elderly when they are released from the community. Larissa seems accepting and almost indifferent to the concept of release, viewing it as a natural part of life in the community.

What is the answer to eight minus three and five elevens?

the answer is five and five elevens

What happens to tens and elevens in thr giver?

walla alketab marah s3b wafee nafs alwagt 3'bi

How was the tornado of the elevens categorized?

The tornado of the elevens was categorized as an F4. It was called the tornado of the elevens because it occurred on November, 11, 1911. It was in Owosso, Michigan.

Why is 3 quarters of 44 33?

44 is made up of 4 elevens. 3 quarters of 4 of anything is 3 of them. 3 quarters of 4 elevens is 3 elevens.