

Who was awarded the most recent Medal of Honor?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Who was awarded the most recent Medal of Honor?
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Who is the medal of honor awarded by?

The Medal of Honor is awarded by the President of the USA (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces) in the name of the Congress. This is why it is sometimes referred to as "the Congressional Medal of Honor" in error,

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Who is the most recent Medal of Honor recipient?

It is the highest award that can be given to a member of the service for bravery in battle. Most of the service men who have been recipients of this medal have died in the course of their action. It is quite common for someone to say that a soldier "WON the Medal of Honor." This is incorrect, you don't "WIN" the Medal of Honor. It's not a contest. He was "Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor" is the correct phrase. Quite often the "Congressional Medal of Honor" is referred to as the "CMH."

What is the congressional medal honor?

It is the highest award that can be given to a member of the US services for bravery in battle. Most of the service men who have been recipients of this medal have died in the course of their action. It is quite common for someone to say that a soldier "WON the Medal of Honor." This is incorrect, you don't "WIN" the Medal of Honor. It's not a contest. He was "Awarded the Medal of Honor" is the correct phrase. The name of the medal is: Medal of Honor. To call it Congressional Medal of Honor is not correct. It is awarded in the name of the Congress by the President of the United States.

What company has the most medal of honor recipients?

The most Medal of Honor recipients come from the United States Army. However, it is important to note that the Medal of Honor is an individual award and is not awarded to companies or organizations.

Who was the last black person to get the Medal of Honor?

The most recent recipient of the Medal of HonoUr was Karl Pilkington in 2007

What is the 2nd most highest award you can be awarded?

The Medal of Honor is the highest medal awarded in the US Military. The Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) is the second highest. The Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) is the third highest.

Can you play splitscreen on medal of honor limited edition?

The most recent MOH has no splitscreen.

Who won the latest Medal of Honor?

There are Medals of Honor being awarded to individuals that earned them in World War 2, Vietnam and Somalia. Check the site linked below for some of the most recent awards and the citations behind them. 3,468 medals have been awarded sence the first one during the Civil War.

Who won the most Medal of Honors?

19 Medals of Honor winners were awarded the medal 2 times. 5 however were to U.S. Marines in WWI for the same action by the Army and Navy. After 1917 only 1 Medal of Honor per lifetime could be awarded. The other 14 were awarded for separate actions in the Civil War, Indian War, etc. The last double Medal or Honor winner was Smedley Darlington Butler. One in Mexico for actions on April 22, 1914 and the second in Haiti for actions on November 17, 1915. As a side note, Vietnam War Special Forces hero Robert L. Howard was submitted for the Medal of Honor three different times before he was finally awarded the Medal.

Is there a list of Navy officers who received the Medal of Honor?

There are approximately 50 Navy and Marine Corps officers (the Navy MOH is awarded to both Navy and Marines Corps members) who have been awarded the Navy MOH since 1861. The most recent Naval officer to receive the MOH was Navy SEAL Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in action during Operation Red Wings in Afghanistan. He was posthumously awarded the MOH in 2007. The list of all Navy and Marine Corps officers who have been awarded the Medal of Honor is at the link below.

How many medals of honor can a soldier receive?

There is no limit. However, since the Medal of Honor is reserved for only the most profound actions far beyond gallantry of others, it is rarely awarded.