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Q: Who was better for India-Nehru or Gandhi?
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Was Gandhi a better leader than Stalin?

Both Gandhi and Stalin were influential leaders in their own right, but their leadership styles were vastly different. Gandhi is often remembered for his nonviolent approach to achieving social and political change, while Stalin was known for his authoritarian rule and the use of violence to maintain power. Ultimately, the determination of who was a better leader is subjective and dependent on individual perspectives.

How did Gandhi make the world a better place?

Gandhi made a world a better place because he stood up to England and it taught us to stand up for ourselves .

Who was better Gandhi or Martin Luher King?

Martin Luther King drew inspiration from Gandhi to fight in a non violent way against deep rooted violent discrimination. Gandhi came first, and so was better! If MLK was not inspired by Gandhi the civil rights movement in the USA would have been a very different story.

How did gandhi think the world become a better place?

love and peace

Is violence better than using non violence?

Do it Gandhi style and talk it out!

Is the world changing for the better?

You must be the change that you wish to see in the world. Gandhi

What did Gandhi do to help the world to be a better place?

He was a person of peace from India. He was a spiritual man.

Why did the mine workers go on strike in the movie Gandhi?

Theygo on striketo make conditions better for them

When did MK Gandhi join the National Indian Congress?

Gandhi resigned from leadership of congress in 1934 because - Gandhi (Rightist) supported council entry in 1934 election,but Nehru(Leftist) did not want so. However Gandhi was successful in conciliating the congress members for election. There was ideological difference between section of congress and Gandhi. Gandhi was aware he was out of tune with powerful trend in congress. So he resigned from active politics in 1934 to better serve his thought,deed and words. Later he joined again in 1937

Is feroze gandhi by birth an gandhi?

Yes Feroze Gandhi is a Gandhi, but he is not related to Mahtma Gandhi in anyway , he is the husband of Indira Gandhi.

What was Indira Gandhi's sons names?

"Harilal Mohandas Gandhi", "Manilal Mohandas Gandhi" and "Devdas Gandhi"

Who was Mahatmas Gandhi's wife?

Kasturba Gandhi