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Q: Who was better prepared for the civil war in 1860 the north or south?
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Who had the better railroad system north or south?

The North had a better rail system then the north, The south used more rivers then rails in the civil war

What is better the north or the south in the civil war?

The North :o ~Miss Anonymous

Did the North or South have better resources during the US Civil War?

The North.

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Did north or south have better transportation system civil war?

The north had more men better factories, plus they had more railroads and better agriculture

In the civil war who had more man power north or south?

The North was better equipped with more men.

Why was the union better then the confederacy in the civil war?

The North was more industrialized than the South.

Who had more guns during the civil war?

North had better guns, but South had more rifles

During the civil war why did the north have more suppiles?

During the US Civil War, the North had more supplies than the South because of the North's better developed manufacturing base. Also, because most of the North's manufacturing and farmlands were out of reach by the South, manufacturing in the North was able to produce the products necessary to have a better supply of goods.

During the civil war which side north or south is led from the beginning by smart able generals?

This is a matter of opinion, but the South probably had the better generals at the start of the Civil War.

Who was the north and south in the civil war?

North: Union South: Confederacy

What were two disadvantages in the north during the civil war?

Two disadvantages in the North during the Civil War was that the North didn't have as good tactics as the South did. Another one is that the South fought on their own land so they knew the land better than the North did. Sources: Learned it in school