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Q: Who was blamed for German defeat in ww1?
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Hitler blamed Germany's defeat in ww1 in?

he blamed the defeat sadly on the Jews

How did pincer movement defeat Nazi Germany in World War 1?

Well, strangely enough, Nazi Germany did not exist back in WW1, it was known as the German Empire, or Imperial Germany in that period. The pincer movement didn't defeat Germany in WW1.

Who does Hitler blame for losing ww1?

He blamed the Jews.

Why did Germany fight?

They were angry with the world because they were blamed for the worlds problems after WW1.

Which country suffered defeat in ww1?


Why did all Jews got blamed if only one had started the holocaust?

No jew started the holocaust Hitler blamed them for the surrender of Germany in WW1.

Who was Germany's defeat blamed on?

HITLER and his evil wways were targeted

What country is historically blamed for the start of World War 1?

Germany started ww1

What treaty caused anger and resentment that blamed Germany for starting ww1?

The Treaty of Versailles

Why Germany should be blame for the great war?

when you say grate war are you refering to WW1 or WW2 if 2 It's not Germany that should be blamed its Hitler he was Austrian he then became The Chancellor of the German Reich and started a war

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he blamed it on the weather. like rain or tornadoes?

Was Belgium on german's side in ww1?
