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The husband in ancient Greece - with the exception of Sparta - had power of life and death over his wife and young children, so that should answer the question. In many Greek States women were confined to womens' quarters in the house and generally they were legally nothing more than the "possession" of their husbands. Of course, then as now you would find tolerant or even hen-pecked husbands regardless of what the law said.

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The oldest male.

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Q: Who was considered the head of household in Ancient Greece?
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Family life and customs in Ancient Greece differed between the city-states. However, all of the city-states had a patriarchal system. This meant that across Greece men acted as the head of the household and their wives and daughters were subservient to them. Male children were educated in warfare and politics. Female children were taught how to care for the household and were often married between the ages of 13 and 18.

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Who was the head of families in ancient Greece?

The Greeks were chauvinist and clannish. The oldest male relative was the head of the family, providing he still had all his faculties.