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Q: Who was credited with developing a moveable type printing press in Europe?
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What revolutionized the spread of information throughout Europe in the mid-1400s?

Gutenberg invented the moveable type printing press.

Who was the inventor of moveable type?

The Chinese invented moveable type, and Johann Gutenberg, a monk from Germany, invented the printing press which used the Chinese's method of moveable type, just in a simplified and simpler way.

Which areas of the world contributed technologies to Gutenberg's printing press what technologies did he use from these other areas?

The technologies that influenced Gutenberg's printing press came from various regions such as Asia, where woodblock printing was already in use, and Europe, where the wine press was adapted for printing. Gutenberg incorporated these ideas and technologies by inventing the moveable-type printing press, a significant advancement that revolutionized the printing process.

How come Johann Gutenberg gets all the credit but pi sheng invented the printing press before him?

Johann Gutenberg is typically credited with the invention of the printing press because his movable type printing technology was more practical, efficient, and widely adopted. Pi Sheng's invention did predate Gutenberg's, but it was not widely circulated or as influential in the history of printing. Ultimately, Gutenberg's innovations had a more lasting impact on the development of printing technology.

What is a contributions credited to the Minoans?

The Minoans are credited as Europe's first great civilization.

Who invented the movable type thus revolutionizing printing?

Movable type printing was invented between 1041 and 1048 in Song dynasty China. Textual evidence includes the Dream Pool Essays written in 1088, which attributed the invention of the movable type to Bi Sheng. In the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg independently invented movable type printing in Europe.

Why was block printing more useful in Europe than china?

China's writing system contained thousands of different characters, most Chinese printers found moveable type impractical.

Who spread renaissance ideas through Europe?

Guttenberg, thru the invention of moveable type as applied to the printing press. The explosion of creativity, science and philosophy during the renaissance was made possible by the sudden availability of affordable books.

What did Johannesburg Gutenberg invent?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century. This invention revolutionized the way information was shared and contributed to the spread of knowledge and literacy throughout Europe.

How did writing and printing start?

Writing originated in ancient civilizations as a way to record information and communicate. The invention of printing began with movable type in ancient China around the 11th century, but Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press in the 15th century in Europe, which revolutionized mass production of written materials.

Who invited the printing press and why was this invention significant?

Johannes Gutenberg in 1446 in Germany and it is important because it allowed books to be printed and let people read ideas and thoughts. Before the printing press people had to depend on information that was told to them because they couldn't read it for themselves. This was a major reason the Church was able to control the society and how people in thought. __ Printing presses existed before Gutenberg. Gutenberg revolutionized printing by developing a moveable type press, which made it cheaper and easier to print large numbers of books. The first printed book (that is known about) dates back to the Tang Dynasty in China (618-906). Carved wooden blocks and ink were used. By 1423 Europe was printing using simple block printing methods.

What contribution is credited to the Minoans?

The Minoans are credited as Europe's first great civilization.