

Who was hana brady?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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Hana Brady was born in 1931, she lived with her parents for a couple of years until Hitler started Holocaust and her mother was taken away (first) and sent to a concentration camp, where she sent Hana a letter for her birthday.

Couple of days later she was taken to a gas chamber and told she was going to take a shower. She was given a bar of soap and asked along with the 5 other women with her to please remove their clothes and hang them neatly on the rack. As soon as she was inside the gas chamber she realised what was happening and was told to climb on her friends head to see if there was a window she could open.

To no avail she only go closer to the gas and died. The same thing happend to Hana and George's father.

He received a letter and was forced to go to a different prison. He sent the children letters telling them to behave and that they would hopefully see them again soon. As he approached death he tried to send them letters of escape plans but they couldn't do anything about. He was lead into the same situation as the mother. Calm music was playing before he went into the gas chamber (shower) and he died.

A few weeks after this event the kids moved in with their uncle but about a year later a letter was sent to the uncle that if he did not let the children come to the concentration camp his family would be killed. The children were forced to wear stars that a "Jude" on them which meant Jew and made them feel horrible for who they were.

Hana and her brother were sent to a concentration camp and then were moved to another one. The first camp was horrible and even though they had each other they spent long days wondering what to do and starving for they could only see each other once a week. They were then moved to the second camp her brother went first and he was forced into hard labor. Hana came a few months later and she was so happy that she was going to see George again.She washed her hair and washed her face so that it looked like she was fine and her brother had nothing to worry about but, they never met.

Hana died at Auschwitz in 1944. She was told just like her parents that she was going to take a shower and died in the gas chamber with group of girls.

Her brother George Brady is one of the few holocaust survivors left. He is alive today and we are grateful for it because without him we wouldn't have known Hana's story.

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Hana Brady died on October 23, 1944 at the age of 13.

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What is the date that Hana Brady was born?

Hana Brady was born 16th of May 1931 in Nove-Mesto, Czechoslovakia

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