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Q: Who was he and what were a few of his accomplishments?
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What did Louis Louis Leakey Accomplishments?

A few accomplishments were in 1926 he graduated from Cambridge with Anthropology and archeology degrees, and in 1932 he discovered the first oldest fossil of a true ansestor modern human being.

What are Blair Brown's accomplishments?

Blair Brown was born in Washington, DC, and was an actress. She performed in high profile roles as in the Paper Chase, Loverboy, Altered States, the Rockford Files, and the Sentinel. These are just a few of her accomplishments.

What Are Some Aztec Accomplishments?

Just a few of the Aztec accomplishments have been the development of mathematics, the canoe, the highly specialized Aztec calendar, and remarkably helpful forms of medicine, hot chocolate, popcorn, mandatory education.

'What were your key accomplishments over the past year?

Please refer to the question below on this site, where I answered it: What are your 3 major achievements this year and why do you think they are important for you and the business as a whole?

Why are a hero's accomplishments important?

What hero's do is important in a few ways. A hero does things that help people and earth and are looked up to on what they do.

What accomplishments helped Brad Penny become a famous sports figure?

There were a few accomplishments that helped Brad Penny to become a well known sports figure. The main accomplishment was that he won the world series of baseball for the San Francisco Giants.

What was Anne Frank's accomplishments?

As an individual, her accomplishments were few. But her legacy is a tremendous. Through her diaries she has left a remarckable record of what it was like to be a Jew in Nazi occupied Holland in WW2.

What accomplishments had thomas Jefferson achieved by the time he left office?

Thomas Jefferson's greatest accomplishment was writing the Declaration of Independence. He had a few other accomplishments but his most strictly and important accomplishment was giving the United Staes of America freedom and liberty.

What were some accomplishments of Michelangelo?

He had many, The paintings on the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, the Pieta in Rome, the statue of David in Florence to name just a few.

What was Marilyn Monroe's accomplishments?

she was an actress in quite a few old movies Gentelmen prefer blondes, and the 7 year itch are very popular

What was one of Oprahs accomplishments?

she made no accomplishments