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The Wright brothers did not discover powered flight. Others had been working on inventing such aircraft since 1846. In the 1890s there were many inventors that were able to fly both steam powered and gasoline powered aircraft successfully, in a straight line. But nobody was able to make an aircraft turn without crashing.

What the Wright brothers invented was the first successful means of controlling an aircraft in flight. The key to this was to quit designing the aircraft to be self stable like everyone else was doing. Their aircraft were deliberately designed unstable and the pilot manually controlled both the stability and turning with a system of "wing warping". They may have been able to see what others did not because they were bicycle mechanics and knew that bicycles are unstable and require the rider to manually control both the stability and turning by using the handlebars to rotate the front wheel.

A few years later Curtis replaced the Wright "wing warping" control system with the modern one because metal wings don't warp without breaking.

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In 1903

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The Wright brothers made their first successful flight in 1903.

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The Wright Brothers - Wilbur and Oliver Wright.

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Flight started with the Wright Brothers but from there flight has really evolutionized.

How long was the first flight by the Wright brothers?

The Wright Brothers first flight was Wilbur Wright and his flight was 112 feet and lasted 4 seconds on December 14th, 1903. The Wright Brothers second flight was Orville Wright and his flight was 120 feet and lasted 12 seconds on December 17th, 1903. The Wright Brothers third flight was again Wilbur Wright and his second time he flu it was 175 feet and lasted 13 seconds on December 17th, 1903. The Wright Brothers fourth flight was again Orville Wright and his second time he flu it was 200 feet and lasted 15 seconds on December 17th, 1903.