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Q: Who was involved with the Vietnam war and who allied with America?
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Who was involved in the Vietnam war and were other counties allied in America?

NVA & VC vs US, ROK, NZ, Australia, RVN, PI, and Thailand.

What war was the US involved in from 1963 to 1975?

The Vietnam war. Or the Resistance War Against America.

Who was involved in the Vietnam War Who Allied The US during the war?

Korea, Australia, Phillipines, and Canada all pitched in during the Vietnam war alongside the U.S. effort to preserve democracy in South Vietnam.

Were other countries allied with America during the Vietnam War?

At least six other nations.

Why did the us get involved in the vietnam war-?

The United States did get involved in the Vietnam war because of communism in Vietnam.

In what war did the Americans die the most?

The most Americans died in Vietnam which was also the longest war that America was involved in.

Who was at war with the UK in the the Vietnam war?

The UK was not involved in the Vietnam war - it was the USA!

Why did the us government get involved in the Vietnam war?

The U.S government decided to get involved in the Vietnam war because the believed after the cold war that communism was a very serious issue that must be adressed first hand. America has also singed itself into SEATO (an agreement between many other countries who were also against communism). This meant America had no other options but enter the war in Vietnam.

How did the Vietnam war influence America in the years after 1975?

A strong reluctance to become involved in future wars.

How was the UN involved in Vietnam after the Vietnam War?

They weren't.

Did France loose the Vietnam war?

Yes. Vietnam was a French colony. They lost a Vietnam War and were thrown out of Vietnam before America tried to win a war in Vietnam. America also lost a Vietnam War.

Did the Vietnam War make America Stronger?

The Vietnam War made America stronger.