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A couple of people... most notably Joseph Swan and Henry Goebel.

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Q: Who was it that claimed that Thomas Edison stole the idea for the light bulb from them?
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4 Who invented the light bulb and what year was it invented?

The light bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1879.

Why did Nikola Tesla leave Thomas Edison?

Edison was working on an direct current motor when Tesla began working for him. He couldn't make it work properly and he offered 50 thoundands dollars if he could fix the machine. That was a easy job for Tesla. Once he finished it, Edison took the offer back stating that it was a joke. Tesla took off inmediatly. The next thing Edison did, he took the patent for the direct current motor.

Is it true that someone stole albert Einstein's brain?

Yes. A doctor at a college stole it and is still discovering how did he get that smart.

Who invented bubble wrap?

Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes may have the official rights but that is because they stole the rights from the original inventor, Trevor Yaxely.

What is contribution of Einstein?

Albert Einstein is famous because he "invented" the formula E=mc2, he explained the photoelectric effect and because of his theory about general relativity. But some people think that Einstein didn't invent anything. They think he stole these formulas from other scientist. Some authors believe that Marcel Grossman or Mileva Einstein (his wife. She is a mathematician) invented the E=mc2 formula and Einstein stole their idea. Some believe that Einstein stole ideas from Laurent Schwartz. This is maybe true because Einstein was bad at school. In fact, he almost didn't pass his year. If he was so bad at school, how could he invent all these formulas?

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What is the problem in Thomas Edison's workshop on Poptropica?

someone stole his phonograph

Who stole Nikola Tesla's file about electricity?

The ruthless Thomas Alva Edison

4 Who invented the light bulb and what year was it invented?

The light bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1879.

Who was the modern Prometheus Edison Bell Ford Tesla?

The modern Prometheus would be Thomas Edison. He, by his invention of the electric light, 'brought fire to mankind.'The mythical Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and brought it to earth for man's use.

Why was Thomas Edison crowned the inventor of the light bulb when he stole the idea?

Thomas Edison invented the a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.He had experimented with thousands of different filaments to find just the right materials to glow well and be long-lasting. In 1879, Edison discovered that a carbon filament in an oxygen-free bulb glowed but did not burn up for 40 hours. Edison eventually produced a bulb that could glow for over 1500 hours.For additional information about the light bulb - see Related Question below.

How did America show its respect when Thomas Edison died?

he was a jerk. he didnt reserve respect. He stole ideas from poor people

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How many patents had Thomas Edison made when he died?

1093! - The largest number held by any one person at that time. Today, there are dozens of companies that get more than that number of patents issued in the USA in a single year. Many of Edison' patents were invalid because he stole the ideas, including all of his so-called "light bulb patents", which were stripped by the patent office in 1893.

Number of actual attempts to create light bulb?

I seriously doubt any one will ever know, many men tried, many men failed there is no record of all the hobbyists or half drunken attempts so we can't know for sure. Interesting piece of information; no Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb; he stole literally stole the progress from Sir Hiram Maxim and used his political ties in Paris to halt the Patton process of Maxim while Edison created the light bulb, Maxim did however create the world first modern machine gun from a Henry repeater rifle the machine gun is called the Maxim gun.

What was the city that Thomas Jefferson bought from the french?

Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase cheaply from the french, who stole it from the Spanish. who stole it from the natives

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He stole things and claimed land for England

How did New Jersey get discovered?

The dutch claimed most of the land in New Jersey, and then the British stole it.